14 magazine
Daniel Addercouth / Refaat Alareer / Jean Atkin / Catherine Ayres / Catherine Balaq / Stephanie Bowgett / Rachel Burns / Rachel Coventry / Russell Cunningham / Rachel Curzon / Ann Cuthbert / Olivia Dawson / Kym Deyn / Tishani Doshi / Helen Evans / Em Filtness / Rebecca Goss / Katie Griffiths / Jess Grynfeld / Barnaby Harsent / David Harsent / Jan Heritage / Maria Isakova-Bennett / Emilie Jelinek / Brian Kirk / Evalyn Lee / Özge Lena / Winfried Leopoldt / Tariq Luthun / Rowan Lyster / Maija Makela / Christopher Martin / Becky May / Daniel Moreschi / Fawzia Muradali Kane / Hiba Abu Nada / Matthew Paul / Michelle Penn / Peter Raynard / Peter Robinson / Julie Runacres / Jenny Sanders / Jacqueline Saphra / Biljana Scott / JP Seabright / Hibah Shabkhez / Richard Sharland / Deema K. Shehabi / Jennifer Spector / Lauren Thomas / Mosab Abu Toha / Julian Turner / Sarah Uheida / Kate Wakeling / June Wentland
The Afghan Women / Ophira Adar / Caroline Am Bergris / Alex Barr / Clodagh Beresford Dunne / Julian Bishop / Satya Bosman / Skyla Buchanan / Jane Burn / Nejra Ćehić / Marian Christie / Anthony Costello / Hildred Crill / Maggie Davison / Olivia Dawson / Michelle Diaz / Josephine Dickinson / Peter Didsbury / Sarianne Durie / Nadine El-Enany / Candida Elton / Mike Farren / Cathy Galvin / Katie Griffiths / Robert Hamberger / Christopher Heath / Lisa Kelly / Nairn Kennedy / Ann Leahy / Tim Liardet / Maitreyabandhu / Martin Malone / Roy Marshall / Polly McCormack / Alex Mepham / Yaz Nin / Rhode Praecox / Wendy Pratt / Peter Raynard / Kevin Reid / Mark Robinson / Peter Robinson / Jacqueline Saphra / Aki Schilz / Richard Scott / JP Seabright / Judy Smith / Rachel Spence / Polly Walshe / Sarah Westcott / Tamar Yoseloff
Bob Beagrie / Lydia Benson / Julian Bishop / Sharon Black / Stephanie Bowgett / Nuzhat Bukhari / Alison Cohen / Claire Collison / Anthony Costello / Patrick Davidson Roberts / Emerald Davis / Eilín de Paor / Olga Dermott-Bond / Luna Dhir / John Duffy / Michelle Esezobor / Vanessa Fell / Giles Goodland / Nancy Graham / Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick / David Harsent / Neal Hoskins / Robin Houghton / Alice Jennings / Lisa Kelly / Fiona Larkin / Alison Lock / Jane Lovell / Tim MacGabhann / Rob A. Mackenzie / John McCullough / Jean Morris / JLM Morton / Paul Muldoon / Mary Mulholland / Nicola Nathan / Jamie O’Halloran / Lani O’Hanlon / Judy O’Kane / Alasdair Paterson / Jo Peters / Pascale Petit / D. A. Prince / Kusum Radia / Bill Richardson / Julie Runacres / Sarah Salway / Jacqueline Saphra / Denise Saul / Lauren Sheerman / Rachel Spence / Paul Stephenson / Leah Umansky / Susannah Wise / Finlay Worrallo
Jill Abram / Kathryn Alderman / Clare Best / Dermot Bolger / Claire Booker / Stephanie Bowgett / Jane Burn / Angus Carlyle / Zelda Chappel / Brian China / Fay Chung / Angela Cleland / James Coghill / Imogen Cooper / Josephine Corcoran / Catherine Ann Cullen / Olivia Dawson / Karen Dennison / Josephine Dickinson / Beverley Dixon / Chris Emery / Kaylen Forsyth / Charlotte Gann / Sylee Gore / Robert Harper / Majella Haugh / Maria Isakova-Bennett / Steve Kendall / Peter Kenny / Claire-Lise Kieffer / Brian Kirk / Nicole Lee / Pippa Little / Caroline Maldonado / Roy Marshall / Rosie Miles / Jessica Mookherjee / Elizabeth Mudyiwa / Dan O’Brien / Bernard O’Donoghue / Nali Patel / Cheryl Pearson / Kathy Pimlott / Estelle Price / Julie Runacres / Elisabeth Sennitt Clough / Emma Simon / Sean Smith / Sue Spiers / Isabelle Thompson / Harriet Truscott / Barbara Watts / Julia Webb / Christopher Williams / Tamar Yoseloff / Sherry Young
SOLD OUT Jill Abram / Hasna Ally / Clodagh Beresford Dunne / Carole Bromley / Clara Burghelea / Jane Burn / Salome Chekurishvili / James Coghill / Bob Cooper / Anthony Costello / Clare Crossman / Barbara Cumbers / Ann Cuthbert / Patrick Davidson Roberts / Neil Douglas / Matt Duggan / Ken Evans / Mike Farren / Azisa Fernandes / Owen Gallagher / Amlanjyoti Goswami / David Harsent / Ramona Herdman / Christopher Hopkins / Maria Isakova Bennett / Christopher James / Sarah James / Maria Jastrzębska / Jennifer Ashley Keegan / Lisa Kelly / L Kiew / Brian Kirk / Zaffar Kunial / Gill Learner / Evalyn Lee / Julia Rose Lewis / Sabhreena Lonergan / Rob A Mackenzie / Martin Malone / Roy Marshall / Rob Miles / Sarah Mnatzaganian / Ghazal Mosadeq / Clare Mulley / Nicola Nathan / Lani O’Hanlon / Matthew Paul / D A Prince / Jay Randall / Peter Raynard / Kevin Reid / Reinhard Rincks / Eléna Rivera / Elvire Roberts / Paul Stephenson / Scott Thurston / H M Truscott / Suzanne Verrall / Kate J Wilson / Stephen Wren SOLD OUT |
14 is an annual poetry magazine devoted to poems of 14 lines only.
The window for submissions is 1st April - 30th June each year.
Submission guidelines:
—Poems must be 14 lines long, excluding the title.
—Please submit a maximum of three poems per issue.
—All submissions must be original work in English and must not have been previously published,
self-published, or published on any website, or on social media.
—Please send your submissions as a single Word doc attachment to: [email protected]
—In the subject heading, please put ‘14 magazine’ plus your name.
—In the main body of your email, please include your postal address, the titles of your submissions
and a short 3rd-person biog (no longer than two lines, please—we don't have much space!).
—We do not accept postal submissions.
—We will not read or respond to work sent outside the submission window.
—The editor’s decision is final and they will not enter into any correspondence.
—If you have not heard from us by the end of July, please do give us a nudge.
Copyright remains with the author. Unfortunately, we can't pay but a complimentary copy is sent to successful poets. If everyone who submits a poem buys a copy, the magazine will stay financially sustainable.
Individual copies are £7 incl. UK p&p (please add £5 for Europe / £7 for the rest of the world).
Buy any 2 copies4 for £12 / 3 for £15, UK p&p included.
Please state which colour issue(s) you would like - pink, blue, yellow etc.
If outside the UK and would like to buy more than one copy, please email me your location and I will quote you a postage price.
Methods of payment:
—via PayPal using: [email protected]
—via a bank transfer to VANGUARD READINGS, Account Number: 21788057, Sort Code: 50-10-29.
Please let me know your postal address via the Contact page.
PLEASE NOTE: Royal Mail are now charging at least £7.20 to ship a copy of 14 magazine to countries outside Europe. The magazine itself costs £7, so for the first time in my lifetime, it now costs more to send a magazine to those countries than to buy it. As a one-man operation, I simply can’t afford to ship complimentary copies to people outside Europe whose work I’d like to accept for the magazine. From now on, anyone outside Europe whose work I’d love to accept has two options:
1) I would ask that they cover the postage cost (but not the cover price). Once I’ve received confirmation of payment, I can send the magazine to them.
2) If they object to that and would rather not do so, I can send a PDF of the magazine instead.
If submitting from outside Europe, please indicate which option you prefer.
I am really sorry to have to do this, but if I covered these exorbitant postage prices myself, I would not be able to run 14 magazine anymore.
Thanks for your understanding.
The first series of 14 magazine (2005-12) was founded & edited by Michael Loveday.
The window for submissions is 1st April - 30th June each year.
Submission guidelines:
—Poems must be 14 lines long, excluding the title.
—Please submit a maximum of three poems per issue.
—All submissions must be original work in English and must not have been previously published,
self-published, or published on any website, or on social media.
—Please send your submissions as a single Word doc attachment to: [email protected]
—In the subject heading, please put ‘14 magazine’ plus your name.
—In the main body of your email, please include your postal address, the titles of your submissions
and a short 3rd-person biog (no longer than two lines, please—we don't have much space!).
—We do not accept postal submissions.
—We will not read or respond to work sent outside the submission window.
—The editor’s decision is final and they will not enter into any correspondence.
—If you have not heard from us by the end of July, please do give us a nudge.
Copyright remains with the author. Unfortunately, we can't pay but a complimentary copy is sent to successful poets. If everyone who submits a poem buys a copy, the magazine will stay financially sustainable.
Individual copies are £7 incl. UK p&p (please add £5 for Europe / £7 for the rest of the world).
Buy any 2 copies4 for £12 / 3 for £15, UK p&p included.
Please state which colour issue(s) you would like - pink, blue, yellow etc.
If outside the UK and would like to buy more than one copy, please email me your location and I will quote you a postage price.
Methods of payment:
—via PayPal using: [email protected]
—via a bank transfer to VANGUARD READINGS, Account Number: 21788057, Sort Code: 50-10-29.
Please let me know your postal address via the Contact page.
PLEASE NOTE: Royal Mail are now charging at least £7.20 to ship a copy of 14 magazine to countries outside Europe. The magazine itself costs £7, so for the first time in my lifetime, it now costs more to send a magazine to those countries than to buy it. As a one-man operation, I simply can’t afford to ship complimentary copies to people outside Europe whose work I’d like to accept for the magazine. From now on, anyone outside Europe whose work I’d love to accept has two options:
1) I would ask that they cover the postage cost (but not the cover price). Once I’ve received confirmation of payment, I can send the magazine to them.
2) If they object to that and would rather not do so, I can send a PDF of the magazine instead.
If submitting from outside Europe, please indicate which option you prefer.
I am really sorry to have to do this, but if I covered these exorbitant postage prices myself, I would not be able to run 14 magazine anymore.
Thanks for your understanding.
The first series of 14 magazine (2005-12) was founded & edited by Michael Loveday.